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Riadok 1: Riadok 1:
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<iframe src="" style="width:120px;height:240px" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>
[[image:Zce_logo.gif|frame|[ Zend Certified Engineer].]]
[[image:MySQL5.gif|frame|[ MySQL 5 certification].]]
[[image:Typing Skills.gif|frame|[ Typing skills certification].]]
[[image:FirstAidCoreKnowledge.jpg|thumb|200px|First Aid Core Knowledge certificate]]
[[image:NetworkTechnicalSupport.jpg|thumb|200px|Network Technical Support certif.]]
[[image:XML.jpg|thumb|200px|XML certificate]]
*Meno / Name: František Korbel
*Work: [ writer], webdesigner, webmaster, translator
*e-mail: prosím použite / please use [[Kontakt]]
*[ Secondary Grammar School, Tomasikova 2, Bratislava]
**English, Computers and programming
*[ Electrotechnical Faculty of Slovak Technical University in Bratislava] (not finished)
**electronics, mathematics, physics
===Brainbech certifications===
With Flash were created [[First Aid Basics]] and '''[ Periodic table]'''
<br />
Other certificates (older than 3 years - not in public transcript):
*First Aid Core Knowledge
*Network Technical Support
===My book FFmpeg Basics===
===Supporting webs for NABUUR Global Neighbour Network===
* Evening school in Koliyankulam, India
* Bitame Lucia Nursery and Primary School, Cameroon
* Education centre in Oyoko, Ghana
* RMCI Uganda
* Good Shepherd Nursery and Primary School, Kameke, Uganda
* Kyampisi Rural Development Programme, Uganda
* Community development in Mawoito, Uganda
* Community Library in Shimoni, Kenya
===Other webs===
* List of centers for kids under 3 years
* House of Hope, Bratislava, Slovakia
* Encyklopedie zdravotni sestry
* Encyklopedia zdravotnej sestry
[[image:Online volunteering.png|frame|left|[ UNV Online volunteering].]]

Aktuálna revízia z 16:41, 9. august 2015

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